But now i've proved myself. This is a lot of work for a girl who doesn't even check her myspace email (did i say myspace? i meant..uh..oh..who cares at this point). So fine, i'll use the time im supposed to be proofreading financial documents to blog. i'll stop bitching. But if anyone out there gets a prospectus that is for the Mid-Cap Sock Fund, i don't want to hear any whining.
So now that i'm back, i have big plans--but first i have to figure out how to scan things (without a scanner), create links, add pics, and spruce up my blog to be like "ooh, ahh" when you look at it. If anyone can tell me how to do this, i'd be happy. My lonely, one-entried black page is depressing. I want it to be soooo much more. Oh yea, by the way, the amount of work for this class is insane. But that's cool. I'll work it out.
So, i scrapped my boring "category" subject for two reasons. First, there was really no great way to categorize cheese that hasnt already been so done. Secondly, i was going to do it for Bon Appetite, but the pictures in that mag are hella beautiful and short of buying 40 tons of cheese from Wegmans and trying to shoot my own great images, my images from some stock photo place will not compare, thus having a crappy spread.
So, i'm going with a different topic. Being that i worked in the restaurant business for 11 years, i know alot about patrons (or, the guest, as we'd call them) and could identify what kind of table they would be before even taking their drink order. That's because all diners fall into certain CATEGORIES...AH HA! I'm not sure what mag, perhaps Maxim, but if anyone has any suggestions have at it. Steve, i know you're out there...help a sister out.
So i should get back to work. Hopefully Stephanie and Amy will forgive me for my own tardiness to my party. I'll make it up, i swear..